J'avais oublie comment ca pouvais etre simple parfois cuisiner.
Avec l'acces a l'internet, on dirait que je cuisine toujours des recettes en 22 etapes facile...
On peut rapidement et facilement nourrir nos enfants le matin, sans necessairement se casser la tete.
Je vous partage la recette de Jamie Oliver, presente dans le cadre du Sugar Rush:
J'en ai fait deux versions (comme mes enfants ;) ), une sucree et une salee.
1. Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl.
2. Add the milk and season with a tiny pinch of salt and pepper.
3. Gently whisk the eggs and milk together with a fork, then put to one side.
4. Place the frying pan on a medium heat to heat up. Meanwhile…
5. Dip and push 1 slice of bread into the eggy mixture, turning it over a few times to make sure it's well coated and sucks up the mixture like a sponge.
6. Add ½ a tablespoon of olive oil to the frying pan and carefully swirl the pan around to evenly coat the inside.
7. Lift the soaked bread up in the bowl and allow the excess mixture to drip off, then carefully lower it into the pan, making sure it's facing away from you so you don't get splashed with hot oil.
8. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes on each side, or until golden and cooked through, using a fish slice to flip it over.
9. Carefully lift the bread out of the frying pan and onto a serving plate using a fish slice.
10. Place the pan back on the heat and repeat steps 6 to 10 with the remaining ingredients.
Pour la version Meghan, je n'ai pas ajouter de sel et poivre.
Au moment de servir j'ai ajouter une touche de sirop d'erable
Pour la version Coco, j'ai garder le sel et poivre.
J'ai cuit deux oeufs on the side et du bacon
Parfait comme dejeuner d'apres match!
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